Kristin, Benjamin and Co

I think we can all agree that things are pretty rough right now. Political unrest, a pandemic making a mess of everything. At the time of this session in August, that was no different, and it was gross and hot too!

I felt some levity when I heard from Kristin who said her family was due for a session. I have photographing them since, well before they were a family! My first session with Benjamin and Kristin were for their engagement. Now they have two beautiful sons and I have had the honor to photograph them as they grow too.

Seeing them and capturing them together brought some light to my week!

Joseph and Gerard

Joseph was visiting Boston with his husband Gerard when he contacted me through my Instagram page. The two were looking to have a family session along with their dog Donatella Versace. Donatella Versace?! Sign me up!

I was honored that they wanted to work with me, someone they found out of the blue via IG, and I thought it was a great thing - a photo shoot - to add to a vacation getaway.

They graciously made the trek up to Salem so we could avoid the Boston city crowds and have a session at Salem Willows.

In the midst of this sometimes isolating pandemic, a session with this lovely pair and their sweet pup was a welcome pick-me-up!

(click to enlarge pics)

William and Avery

I’ve been photographing William and Avery every year since they were wee little ones. Brand new humans. I enjoy it every time. Sometimes the biggest challenge is finding a location that helps me and my clients get the best photos. I wants a place with lovely vistas and great backdrops, but not an environment that takes away from the people I’m photographing.

Many people like to go to the scenic mill in Sudbury, but I prefer this little spot down the street from it. On the two occasions I have been, there have been no one else there. Just like I like it!

William and Avery are now four (and a half, Avery will point out), and on this day they not only met me later in the day when the light was nice but the little people were more tired, but they’d also gone to a birthday party earlier in the day.

They are what I call troopers.

I’m really happy with the results. The light, the colors, the nice little moments. It was a good day.

The W Family {Boston Family Photographer}

Lizzi told me she found me on a random web search, and I feel lucky for that! When I met her and her family at Menatomy Rocks Park, there was something very familiar about them. Maybe it was that their eldest daughter brought Harry Potter to the photo shoot (the book, not the actual wizard), or that when Lizzi contacted me for a session there was a slight sense of urgency because the aforementioned Harry Potter-loving eldest child's front teeth were growing in!  I felt this was the kind of urgency I could get behind. These are my kind of people. 

They had an easiness about them that was a joy to be around. Photo sessions can be stressful, but you wouldn't know it if you were watching them!

• Zachary is in the Building! {boston newborn photographer} •

I had the pleasure of photographing Lauren and Matt's wedding a few years back and was pretty psyched to meet the newest member of their family. Zachary sure is a sweet little bug!

Click on the photos below to enlarge


Cassandra, an American living and working with her fiance in London, got in touch with me before coming home for the holidays. She, her fiance, and her brother and his fiance, would be all together with their parents and they wanted to book a session.

I loved this! As a person who comes from a family of grown-ups and no grandkids myself, I know first hand how we can forget to update our family shots as the years go by, whether or not little ones are in the picture (pun intended).

Cassandra and Co were fun to work with, game to try anything, and so patient as we traversed the landscape of Menotomy Park in Arlington. Here's a small sampling.



• Fall Session Round-Up {boston portrait photographer} •

OK, I'll admit it; I'm putting on my lazy hat right now. Well, no, not really, but I am putting a collection of my favorite shots together from my sessions this season and sharing them with you all together, rather than doing multiple blog entries.

I attempted my annual fall session day before I left on vacation in October, but both the actually event day and it's rain date got cancelled due to stormy skies (shakes fifts at the heavens!). When I returned, I managed to schedule a second attempt, and my clients were excited to try again. Until it began to rain after I got only one session out of the way.

So, off to the second rain date we went (or does that make it the third? I don't know, I've lost track at this point). Some got their shots done on that sunday rain date, others went out of their way to meet me in the middle to get their sessions completed. I hope everyone loved their results!

Thanksgiving is coming, and I'm feeling thankful indeed.  


The fall brings with it leaves and cider, and lots of smiles into my lens (the holidays are great incentive for clients to get in touch)! Tommy, while he looked serious (and disgruntled) in a few of these shots, is a beautiful little man with parents who adore him and a grandma who's a champ at peek-a-boo (very helpful for family shots!).



Look Out, World! Cora's Here! {Boston Newborn Photographer}

I was flattered and excited to be asked to photograph the first child of my coworker Andy and his wife Elizabeth. I learned of Cora's arrival well before arrival time, so I had a lot of waiting and looking-forward to do. 

When it finally came time for the spotlight, Cora was skeptical of me I think, but in the end, we did just fine. I love her sweet, thoughtful little face!



Lily's here!

Babies babies! They're the best, and little Miss Lily is no different. What a sweet little peanut. Her session was made even more fun by her two big brothers; one with a curly top and one with curly fur everything!